Because religion is laughable

Funny Gay Religion Joke Pictures

Funny Jesus hates figs gay meme
Funny Jesus hates figs gay meme - Bible Mark 11:12-14
"What does the word 'gay' mean?" asked a son his father. 

"It means 'happy,'" replied the father. 

"Oh," replied the son, "so are you gay, then?" 

"No, son, I have a wife." 

Funny gay Christian protest sign picture - Homosexuality is sin. Christ can set you free!  Corduroy skirts are a sin
Funny gay Christian protest sign picture - Homosexuality is sin. Christ can set you free!  Corduroy skirts are a sin
Funny gay protest sign picture - God hates flags
Funny gay protest sign picture - God hates flags

Funny gay homosexuality church sign prank picture - New hope church
 Funny gay homosexuality church sign prank picture - New hope church

Funny Catholic Gay Religion Eye test Joke Picture - Gay marriage is evil.  Sorry... I keep seeing the lettes pedophile
 Funny Catholic Gay Religion Eye test Joke Picture - Gay marriage is evil.  Sorry... I keep seeing the lettes pedophile

Funny Christian gay homosexual protest signs - where is the rapture when you need it? Two men kissing in front of a group of Christian protestors
Funny Christian gay homosexual protest signs - where is the rapture when you need it? Two men kissing in front of a group of Christian protestors 
Funny gay protest picture - Sodomites are vile, unnatural and worthy of death. He loves the cock
Funny gay protest picture - Sodomites are vile, unnatural and worthy of death. He loves the cock
Funny Christian heaven cartoon - Well, no, I didn't help the poor, needy, or widows... but I hated the hell out of the gays
Funny Christian heaven cartoon - Well, no, I didn't help the poor, needy, or widows... but I hated the hell out of the gays