Because religion is laughable

Funny Moses Cartoon Pictures

Funny Moses Steve Jobs Cartoon picture - Moses meet Steve.  He's gonna upgrade your tablets
 Funny Moses Cartoon Pictures - Moses, meet Steve Jobs. He's gonna upgrade our tables cartoon
Funny Moses Cartoon Picture Jesus Christ vs Moses competition involving walking and parting water
 Jesus Christ vs Moses competition involving walking and parting water - Very funny!
Funny Moses Cartoon Picture - Now let me get this straight - the arabs get the oil and we have to cut of the ends of our what?!
 Funny Moses Cartoon Joke Image - Now let me get this straight - the arabs get the oil and we have to cut of the ends of our what?!
Funny Moses Cartoon Picture - After 39.5 years of wandering in the desert, Mrs Moses secretly asks for directions
Funny Moses lost in the desert cartoon picture -  After 39.5 years of wandering in the desert, Mrs Moses secretly asks for directions
Funny Moses Cartoon Picture - When will they come out in papyrus back?
 Funny Moses Mount Sinai Tablet Ten Commandments Cartoon - When will they come out in papyrus back?
Funny Moses Cartoon Picture - Take two and call me in the morning
Funny God giving Moses two tablet - Take two and call me in the morning
Funny Moses Cartoon Picture - That one wasn't mann... pigeon flies by
Moses and the Israelites receiving Manna from the Lord God in the Sinai desert -  That one wasn't manna ... pigeon flies by

Moses plays joke on Jesus who is walking on water by parting the sea cartoon
Moses plays joke on Jesus who is walking on water by parting the sea cartoon

Funny Moses Parting Red Sea Cartoon - Herman catches a luck break
Funny Moses Parting Red Sea Cartoon - Herman catches a luck break

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