Because religion is laughable

Funny Heaven Cartoons

Funny Heaven Cartoon Joke Picture - No atheists at pearly gates - I don't believe it - Image
 Funny Heaven Cartoon Joke Picture - No atheists at pearly gates - I don't believe it
Funny Heaven Cartoon Joke Picture - Cat at pearly gates - St Peter - Well, in or out?
Funny Heaven Cartoon Image -  Cat at pearly gates - St Peter - Well, in or out?
Funny Heaven Cartoon Joke Image -  Different religions faiths surprised to find Odin at the pearly gates
Funny Heaven Cartoon Pictures |  Different religions faiths surprised to find Odin at the pearly gates
Funny Heaven Cartoon Joke Image - You were a believer, yes, but you skipped the not-being-a-jerk-about-it part
Funny Heaven Cartoon Pictures - You were a believer, yes, but you skipped the not-being-a-jerk-about-it part