Because religion is laughable

Funny Catholic Pope Joke Pictures

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An audience with the Pope

I awaited excitedly as the papal procession approached, confident of being noticed in my immaculate, new Armani suit.  However, the Pope walked straight past me, ignoring my manicured hand, and instead kneeled down to talk to an old, raggedy homeless man sitting on the ground nearby.

Furious, I approached the old man afterwards, offering to swap clothes.  The old man refused initially, but was finally persuaded by 1000 Euros and my gold Rolex watch.

The next day I sat where he had sat, waiting for hours on the cold, hard ground, until at last the papal procession approached.  I looked up eagerly and was thrilled to see the Pope notice me. He came forward slowly and kneeled down, whispering in my ear, "I thought I told you yesterday to f*ck off?"

(source: TheOddestBox)
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