Because religion is laughable

Jesus Heals Lepers Cartoon

Funny Jesus Heals Lepers Religious Bible Cartoon Picture
Funny Jesus Heals Lepers Religious Bible Cartoon Picture - No, lepers... I heal lepers, not leopards.
God doesn't heal amputees either.

In fact, it is very interesting that now, since the advent of technology, and therewith the ability to reliably record events, the power of God's miracles has been reduced from creating universes, floods, walking on water, resurrections, and such like, to the occasional appearance on toast.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

 I fully accept that if there were gods that they would be able to do "miraculous" things, and that if these things were done in days of yore that they might have been written down as eye-witness accounts. But what bothers me (apart from the diverse and internally inconsistent nature of such accounts) is that since the timing of salvation is clearly not an issue (many people died before the salvation event), why could this event not have been delayed until a time of scientific and rational scrutiny?

The fact that these reported events occurred at a time of general illiteracy is suspicious if nothing else.