Because religion is laughable

Funny Poor Joseph Cartoons

Funny Poor Joseph Mary Joke Picture - Poor Joseph.  God was a hard act to follow
Funny Poor Joseph Mary Joke Bed Picture - Poor Joseph.  God was a hard act to follow

Funny Poor Joseph Mary Joke Cartoon - It doesn't mean anything, honey! Oh God is something all women shout in bed.  Joseph was not convinced
Funny Poor Joseph Mary Joke Cartoon - It doesn't mean anything, honey! Oh God is something all women shout in bed.  Joseph was not convinced 

Funny Poor Bible Joseph Joke Cartoon Picture - I just don't get it Mary.  All I hear is Virgin Mary this and Virgin Mary that!  It's not fair!  I'm a virgin too, for cryin out loud!
 Funny Poor Bible Joseph Joke Cartoon Picture - I just don't get it Mary.  All I hear is Virgin Mary this and Virgin Mary that!  It's not fair!  I'm a virgin too, for cryin out loud!
Joseph I think he has my eyes. Yeah right! Funny Religion Joke Picture

dddJoseph I
Joseph Doesn't Like Fathers Day
think he has my eyes. Yeah right! Funny Religion Joke Pic Joseph Doesn't Like Fathers Dayture
If this so-called Almighty created the first man out of dust
If this so-called Almighty created the first man out of dust, couldn't he haver made his own son the same way