Because religion is laughable

Funny Virgin Mary Birth Joke Pictures

Funny Virgin Mary Abstinence 99.99% effective joke image
 Virgin Mary Abstinence 99.99% effective joke picture

Funny virgin birth cartoon joke picture - It was a miracle! You were with another man, Mary?! The penalty for that is stoning!  No, it wasn't a man, it was .. err... it was an angel!  Oh, well, in that case no problem
 Funny virgin birth cartoon joke picture - It was a miracle! You were with another man, Mary?! The penalty for that is stoning!  No, it wasn't a man, it was .. err... it was an angel!  Oh, well, in that case no problem

Funny virgin birth meme  - what if the virgin birth story was just what Joseph and Mary told Jesus to avoid the sex talk?
 Funny virgin birth meme  - what if the virgin birth story was just what Joseph and Mary told Jesus to avoid the sex talk?

Funny Virgin birth school assignment cartoon joke picture - I hope you've all finished you research assignment on the virgin birth.  Shall I put them in alphabetical order according to god?
 Funny Virgin birth school assignment cartoon joke picture - I hope you've all finished you research assignment on the virgin birth.  Shall I put them in alphabetical order according to god?