Interviewer: Lord, we were wondering if you could explain the Trinity to us.
Jesus: We? You mean you?
Interviewer: Ha-ha... Yes and no. I represent the many who watch our show.
Jesus: Well it's just the same with the Trinity. I represent the many who watch the show.
Interviewer: You mean the Father and the Holy Spirit?
Jesus: Them too.
Interviewer: Too? There are more?
Jesus: Sure.
Interviewer: But it's the Trinity?!
Jesus: You word, not mine.
Interviewer: So who else is there?!
Jesus: (starts counting fingers) Let's see. Zeus, Brahma... I don't have enough fingers.
Interviewer: But they're not real.
Jesus: Neither am I. What's your point?
Read further interviews with Lawd Cheesy Crust.